Public cases

As practice shows, a civil law attorney should have a high level of emotional intelligence in addition to experience and qualifications. Such a lawyer is, first of all, an experienced negotiator and mediator.

Family dispute, or a dispute around the bank loan - all these categories of cases can significantly tarnish the client's reputation. In addition, it can violate the legal right to privacy, lead to non-property losses and moral damage. That's what the client will most likely try to avoid by making concessions in property matters.

An experienced civil attorney's practical advice on such sensitive issues can save the clients money, time, and effort, as well as keep them from rash emotional actions related to possible reputational risks. A knowledgeable lawyer will help build a line of conduct in accordance with the client's request, build a legal position based on the client's interests and achieve success in the pre-trial settlement of the issue, if necessary.

Recovering money is a delicate matter that requires prior preparation and analysis. It is necessary to carefully analyze the debtor's financial situation, his solvency and options for recovery of property damage with the help of assets in his ownership. Sometimes the recovery of debts is complicated by the absence of such property and funds in the accounts of the debtor. In this case, you need all the more help of a lawyer, and perhaps a lawyer's investigation to prove the concealment of assets.

A qualified lawyer can suggest an effective plan of action to restore the debtor's solvency, propose a good debt restructuring plan, involve reliable intermediaries to implement it, organize an audit to develop the most effective tactics of behavior concerning the debtor. Having received the legal opinion, the client has the opportunity to weigh all the pros and cons and make an informed decision based on a preliminary estimate of the costs of legal and related services to pay off the debt incurred before him.

Modern society is moving away from settling disputes in courts' practice due to the high cost of this method and the sluggishness of the bureaucratic machine. Of course, pre-trial settlement is not always more relevant than court victory, sometimes it is simply necessary to restore honor, dignity, and business reputation, especially when it comes to libel or someone's deliberately false testimony. It also happens that it's the pre-trial settlement of a dispute helpful when maintaining a business reputation in the competitive market of certain services.

Важно понимать, что в таких сложных и эмоционально напряженных ситуациях, когда многое на кону, совет бывалого юриста поможет взвесить ситуацию и прийти к оптимальному решению, заняв именно ту позицию, которая будет наиболее выгодной с учетом всех нежелательных последствий вероятного исхода.

Hiring a family lawyer is a solution that is more than appropriate in many situations involving the allocation of part of jointly acquired property, the division of corporate rights relating to the family business and the payment of alimony. Family matters are often closely linked to the civil law regime in relation to family members and their property.

The services of a family lawyer can help to decide the fate of disputed property, to settle the financial consequences of the marriage by means of an agreement, to regulate the child custody regime, etc. In the case of divorce legal assistance is always invaluable. It is the mediation of legal representatives that relieves clients from having to become personally involved in the sensitive and emotionally charged issues related to the annulment of a marriage.

Legal assistance in family disputes helps to resolve issues quickly and professionally, that, if not resolved, can cause years of moral and property damage to the parties.


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